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  • The Winemaker's Hand - Natalie Berkowitz

Teeny-Tiny Wine Guide: A Must For Beginners, Wine Experts And Wine 'snobs' Alike [With Magnet(S)] - Royal Mack

Teeny-Tiny Wine Guide: A Must For Beginners, Wine Experts And Wine 'snobs' Alike [With Magnet(S)]
These compact magnetic books deliver concise information in a handy, portable package no larger than a credit card. The innovative design allows the book to fold out to provide 26 pages of useful facts, figures, trivia, and other essential information. The colorful pages are waterproof, tear-proof, and deliver a treasure trove of advice and tips in a guide that slips easily into a pocket, briefcase, or purse. These practical companions also feature a convenient magnetic backing that guarantees to keep them right where they are needed, be it on a refrigerator or file cabinet, for easy access. Sure to elevate anyone to the level of wine connoisseur, this guide is essential for both newcomers and aficionados. Information on ordering, food pairing, storage, and a vintage chart are included, making for a true educational experience on the sophisticated beverage.


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Bestel Royal Mack - Teeny-Tiny Wine Guide: A Must For Beginners, Wine Experts And Wine 'snobs' Alike [With Magnet(S)]

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